Premio Combat Prize

Winners of Combat Prize 2017 - Premio Combat Prize

Winners of Combat Prize 2017

The eighth edition of the PREMIO COMBAT PRIZE 2017 came to an end on Saturday, July 15, in the spectacular gilded setting of the Sala degli Specchi in the Museo Giovanni Fattori of Livorno, proclaiming the winners.

The jury—Andrea Bruciati, Elio Grazioli, Francesca Baboni, Lorenzo Balbi, Lorenzo Bruni, Stefano Taddei, Walter Guadagnini—has selected as the winner of the Painting section Barbara De Vivi with the work "Medea". Motivation: for her explorations nurtured by powerful painting, with layerings and oneiric recollections, and for an effective contemporary reinterpretation of classical myths. The canvas thrives upon incisive narration, laden with detailed conceptual connections that foreshadow interesting potential.
Jury special mention to Francesca Chioato.

For the Photography section, the winner is Karin Schmuck with the work "Mothers I" for her ability to face a classic photography genre—the family portrait—while challenging all expectations of the subject and the spectator, through a unique choice of iconography. The relationship between the two figures is elaborated like a totalizing encounter of bodies, an authentic union that excludes individuality related to portraying faces. The uniform backdrop further emphasizes the reference to this genre tradition even as regards painting.
Jury special mention to Luca Gilli.

For the Graphic Art section the jury awards Giorgia Lo Faso for her work "Samsung Galaxy S4" for her ability to make two very dissimilar themes—such as the monochrome and instantaneous messages left in the city space by those who cross it—coexist in her images. This investigation has allowed her to formulate unique aesthetic solutions because she investigates new balances in the classic relationship between background and subject, exploring new fields of study with which she reconsiders the classic technique of graphic art in light of global communication and virtual squares.
Jury special mention to Massimiliano Galliani.

For the Sculpture/Installation section the jury awards Davide Sgambaro with the work "Padre, perdonali perché non sanno quello che fanno" for his ability to investigate, in a refreshing way, installation by turning his own body into a sort of collective performance perfectly part of the space. His work is able to engage the audience, arousing feelings of surprise, restlessness, and claustrophobia.
Jury special mention to Mauro Panichella.

Finally, the award for the Video section goes to Ana Dévora for her work "Marionetas". Aware that in today’s world, training and education processes play a key role in redefining society, the artist, offering to investigate the typical means of handing down determined values, highlights these and grasps their overall potential for the future.
Jury special mention to Irene Lupi.

As far as special awards are concerned, the “Fattori Contemporaneo” prize, which consists in a solo exhibition at the Museo Fattori during the 2018 events program, is given to Alberto Sinigaglia for the following reason: Convinced that the relationship between reality and make-believe, between documenting and creating is fundamental in composing a language of photography, the artist is focused on investigating sources. These may be added or replaced, through a course where the very notion of truth is challenged. Starting from this premise, embarking on a trip that is both a reflection on science, on images, and on the collective imaginary and which unfolds through photography, installation, and publishing, has convinced the jury to award this work to him.

Finally, for the new prize ART TRACKER, where four artists under 35 will be part of the LUCCA ART FAIR events for a new curating project, the winners are: Martina Brugnara, Chiara Campanile, Marco Groppi, Simone Monsi.


Winner of the PAINTING section

Barbara De Vivi | Medea


Winner of the PHOTOGRAPHY section

Karin Schmuck | Mother I


Winner of the GRAPHICS section

Giorgia Lo Faso


Winner of the SCULPTURE/INSTALLATION section

Davide Sgambaro


Winner of the VIDEO section

Ana Dévora



Alberto Sinigaglia



Ecco la lista degli 80 artisti finalisti della ottava edizione del PREMIO COMBAT PRIZE  e l'elenco degli artisti segnalati che verranno pubblicati sul catalogo.

Selezioni effettuate da: Andrea Bruciati, Elio Grazioli, Francesca Baboni, Lorenzo Balbi, Lorenzo Bruni, Stefano Taddei, Walter Guadagnini.









Recommended artists from the jury

The recommended artists by the jury will be published on the catalogue.






VIDEO CATEGORYDario Agrimi, Eleonora Roaro