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OPERA IN CONCORSO  Sezione Pittura

Tanya Pamela Pazmiño Vernaza | Papa Rosa (Pink Potato)
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Papa Rosa (Pink Potato)
oil painting, stencil, plastic resine, mdf wood / wall
200cm x 200cm

Tanya Pamela Pazmiño Vernaza

nato/a a: Quito

residenza di lavoro/studio: Quito (ECUADOR)

iscritto/a dal 24 apr 2013

sito web: http://pamelapazmino.weebly.co…

Altre opere

Tanya Pamela Pazmiño Vernaza | Papa Rosa

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Papa Rosa
plastic resine, potato
30cm x 12cm

Tanya Pamela Pazmiño Vernaza | Papa Rosa

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Papa Rosa
oil, mdf (wood)
90cm x 110cm

Tanya Pamela Pazmiño Vernaza | Papa Rosa

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Papa Rosa
oil, mdf (wood)
90cm x 110cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Pink Potato The potato is a symbol latinoamerica´s an ecuatodorian culture. Is a pretty suggestive fully charge of semiotics and stimulating element to work and develope visual representations of female issues and it relatioship between andean ancestral history. This artwork is the lab result of a research about the bonds of the potato as a basic piece of meal for average ecuadorian people and the potato as an object and subject of tradicional rituals. I studied the potato element as a subject of matter that unifyies the idea of the pacha mama, and breaks up the andean female and sexual identity.
Born in 1984, lives and works in Quito.
Bachellor in Fine Arts with a mayor in painting and a minor in printmaking at the Central University of Ecuador. Studied a Technology in Graphic Desing and
Multimedia at the Institute of Visual Arts of Quito. In 2009 co-funded:
La Emancipada, Contemporary Art Colective producing some important exhibitions such as: AME, Ecuatorian Women Collective Exhibition in 2012. Has exhibited her work in several galleries and museums in Ecuador, Italia, Cuba and U.S.A. She earned the First Prize at the Contemporary Art Salon: Mariano Aguilera in 2006, Second place at the Printmaking Bienal: La estampa Joven in Habana, Cuba. Was finalist at the ArteLaguna Prize in Venecia In 2011.