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OPERA IN CONCORSO  Sezione Pittura

Sing Ling Ma | Form of Unity/Chief
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Form of Unity/Chief
acrylic, canvas

Sing Ling Ma

nato/a a: Taipei

residenza di lavoro/studio: Taipei (TAIWAN)

iscritto/a dal 20 apr 2013

sito web: http://msl.sundon.net/en/index…

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Ma Sing Ling is a collaborative working team comprised of three young promising artists in Taiwan: MANIHOO, Singway and Ling Ling. These young artists have developed quite tacit understanding with one another, X-Power Gallery thus brings them together to spark new light. Their first attempt to create as a trio is “Form of Unity”, a series featuring the beauty of grandeur, magnificence, and incredible coherence. One of their creations in this series has been selected into the 159th Autumn Exhibition organized by Royal West of England Academy, United Kingdom (2011).