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OPERA IN CONCORSO  Sezione Fotografia

Sara Naim | Gida
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photography, c-type print

Sara Naim

nato/a a: London, UK

residenza di lavoro/studio: London (UNITEDKINGDOM)

iscritto/a dal 06 mar 2013

sito web: http://www.sara-naim.com

Altre opere

Sara Naim | A Kiss

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A Kiss
photography, c-type print

Sara Naim | Shimmer

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photography, c-type print

Sara Naim | Flying

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photography, c-type print

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

‘When One Thing Finishes, Another Thing Starts’ embraces the relationship between people and their landscapes. The images are immediate and meditate on moments of an action. It examines the formal correspondence and relationship between each image, and finds a thread that binds them together and transfigures each into the other.
Bio- Sara Naim is Syrian and was born in London in 1987. She grew up in Dubai, but moved back to do a BA Photography from the London College of Communication in 2010. Directly after, she worked for photographer Ryan McGinley in New York. Sara has exhibited in Dubai, London, New York, Cologne, Jura, Arles and Guernsey, and has been featured on Art Forum, The Guardian, National Geographic, Dazed and Confused, and Vice. Sara is currently pursuing her MA at The Slade School of Fine Art in London.