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Robert Checchi | Everyday
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video, single channel video

Robert Checchi

nato/a a

residenza di lavoro/studio: Lake View Terrace (UNITEDSTATES)

iscritto/a dal 25 mar 2014


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

ARTWORK DESCRIPTION - The single channel video “Everyday” is an abstract meditation on the routines we follow everyday. Some of these repeated actions improve through time, such as playing the piano. While others such as driving the same road every day to work are repeated without individual benefit. Underlying these routines is an unconscious desire to do more to make up for the lost time of the repetitions. However, playing the piano faster does not make a better player and a daily commute is impossible to speed up. This conflict is explored against the serene backdrop of a shadow forest. We know we should slow down, but we can’t.
BIO - Robert Checchi studied Printmaking at Penn State University receiving his B.F.A. in 1990. In 1993 he received his M.F.A. in Printmaking from Pratt Institute in New York City. Robert is currently a Senior Designer at the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles. In 2012 Robert Checchi showed his work at the Los Angeles Center for Digital Art as part of the juried New Media Winners Exhibit, New Media Festival Los Angeles. He was represented at Art Basel Miami 2012 as part of the LA Art Collective’s weeklong presentation of their work. In February and March 2013 Robert was the featured video artist at the Los Angeles Center for Digital Art. Robert’s work was screened at the College Town Film Festival at Penn State University and Ohio University in 2013. In the fall of 2013 Robert was selected to be part of the Lumen Prize Exhibition. The exhibition has travelled from Cardiff, Wales to Gallery 61 in New York City and will continue onto the Chelsea College of Art and Design in London and The Space in Hong Kong.