OPERA IN CONCORSO Sezione Scultura/Installazione
Aleppo Playground
holzsandkasten, patronenhã¼lsen, plastiksandspielzeug
120 x 120 x 20 cm
Künstlerduo Moseke·Pelda
nato/a a Berlin
residenza di lavoro/studio: Berlin (GERMANY)
iscritto/a dal 09 apr 2014
Descrizione Opera / Biografia
Artwork description:
We are an artist duo, Matthias Moseke and Mathias Pelda, living and working in Berlin. Our topics are more apolitical than political and we work mainly with oil on canvas.
Syria is far away and fortunately we are only spectators of this dismal affair. However, in 2013 we had an outstanding idea about this topic, which has developed into an intense artistic statement. Our installation Aleppo Playground is made up of sand-toys (bucket, spade, rake) and a sandbox filled with fired cartridges.
“The artist duo, Moseke/Pelda, has created a harrowing exhibit. In the middle of a room, completely empty apart from covered walls, a dramatically illuminated sandbox is prominently displayed – filled with ammunition shells. Aleppo Playground is the title of the disturbing work, referring to the town of the same name in Syria where children have become children of war within a year in the very recent past. By using playful elements it reminds the observer that not everywhere in the world are children allowed to play with sand from the DIY store.”
Biography ->http://moseke-pelda.de/zenphoto/pages/vita