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OPERA IN CONCORSO  Sezione Pittura

Helga Graf | Tanz IV
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Tanz IV
acrilic, canvas

Helga Graf

nato/a a Gmunden

residenza di lavoro/studio: Gmunden (AUSTRIA)

iscritto/a dal 14 mar 2014


Altre opere

Helga Graf | San Galgano

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San Galgano
acrilic, canvas

Helga Graf | Unterwegs

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acrilic, canvas

Helga Graf | Onkel von Luki

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Onkel von Luki
acrilic, canvas

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

I was born in Gmunden/Upper Austria
In fact I have been sympathizing with drawing and painting since I was a child, and originally I wanted to study art. But I got married and had children, so still it was as late as 2006 when I began to paint intensively. And since that time continuous I attend courses at renowned artists.
I greatly prefer to paint people of different cultures, like strong and warm colours, vital compositions of their daily life.