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OPERA IN CONCORSO  Sezione Pittura

Emmanuel Cruz | En busca del placer
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En busca del placer

Emmanuel Cruz

nato/a a Xalapa, Veracruz, México

residenza di lavoro/studio: Xalapa (MEXICO)

iscritto/a dal 05 mag 2014

Under 35


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Emmanuel Cruz | Espiral corpórea

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Espiral corpórea

Emmanuel Cruz | Suspensión

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Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Cuatro mujeres de distintas nacionalidades nos muestran unos dibujos eróticos poco conocidos del artista Ingres, los cuales hacen referencia a los placeres prohibidos. Todavía en pleno siglo XXI este tipo de dibujos siguen siendo polémicos.

Born in the city of Xalapa on November 8, 1980 , began professional studies in the year 1998 at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Universidad Veracruzana , Diploma in Illustration courses taught at the same university. He has taken courses and workshops with various artists , among them : " Master Class Curated " with Cuauhtémoc Medina and Guillermo Santamaria, " Course Installation" with Carlos Aguirre, "The current situation of art " by Graciela Kartofel , "Materials Workshop and techniques of painting " by Carolina Muciño , " Colour as a member of pictorial creation " by Francisco Castro Leñero.


His influences range from hyperrealism as American artists such as Chuck Close and the new hyperrealism Gottfried Helwein. The visit to the studio of the painter Rafael Cauduro addressed by the new Mexican realism.


He has participated in solo and group exhibitions in different cities in Mexico and abroad, including: 2010 "Into the ligth " , Odense , Denmark, Galschiot Gallery; 2009 "Six mirrors signs " Veracruzana Art Gallery ( GAVA ) World Trade Center, Boca del Rio, Veracruz ; 2007 International Young Art Selection for " Emerging Artists from Mexico and Latin America "

in New York Academy of Art , New York city, NY . 2007 , " Africam , Caribbean and Latin American Art Fair" , Fourth Annual Art Off the Main , The Puck Building, New York , NY. 2007 "One day Latin America Art Show" , Central Park Physical Therapy, 1727 Broadway , New York , NY. " Emerging Artists of Contemporary Mexican and Latin American Art ," Deloitte & Touche USA LLP , 2 World Financial Art Off the Main, North Metropolitan Pavilion , 110 West 19th st . Chelsea , New York City. Itinerant Expo

2008-2010 " From Yanga to the Africans " for Latin America; 2006 " Chine Colle Engraving" , University of Houston Clear Lake, Houston , Texas; "

The 7 Deadly Sins " , Art Gallery and Art , Cuernavaca , Morelos ; 2005, "

The Migra " , " Chileatole Xalapeño " Gallery La Esmeralda, Mexico, DF Carlos Fuentes Gallery , Xalapa , Veracruz Correspondence Xalapa -Oaxaca "

Taller Rufino Tamayo Plastic Arts . "Traces of Union : North -South "

Cultural Institute of Baja California, Tijuana , BC


In recent years he has dabbled in stand 2014 mural "The route of prevention" muralística 800 m2 of intervention in Col. Miravalle , Guadalajara , Jalisco. 2013 Mercado Jauregui, " Father Mercado , mother of centuries " , 2013 Xalapa , Veracruz " The Time Tunnel " Building Enriquez, Xalapa, Veracruz.


In 2013 he is nominated for the Palm Art Award for Art Domain in Lepzig , Germany, Selected within 150 artists in the Biennial of the Americas "

Rafael Cauduro " of 23 participants in 2006 countries. Representative of Veracruz in "Homage the National plastic " MACAY Foundation. Honorable mentions in the " Alfredo Zalce Biennial 2009 " and in the book-object Competition organized by Maestro. Nahum B. Zenil . Stay in sculptor and activist Jens Galschiot in Denmark during 2009 and 2010 , participating in various art projects within the climate summit COP15 and COP16.