Descrizione Opera / Biografia
A look but can’t touch togetherness - connection as defined by its contrast to separation and the oscillation that these two concepts, held together, create until we come to rest on the in-between, the ambiguous potential held in all states of not having quite arrived. In the twilight zone of suspended feeling, objects that sit quiet and passive - waiting to be seen. I am interested in what I think of as the shimmer or the goo that we must wade through to arrive from ourselves to anything and anybody else. My work is a wandering reflection on connection. It is a blurry image of the unbridgeable space between me and you, a fuzzy description of and vague search for the intimate limits that exist in our ability to see and touch the world, things and people around us. It is a fumbled sketch of the ubiquitous experience of our separation and the means that we employ to engage across that gap. The subject is neither person nor thing, but the stickiness of connection, the treacle between everything that drives us out of ourselves and into the hazy, nebulous experience of existing.
2023 Liberi Tutti – collectiva – Marignana Gallery, Venezia
2022 Extra Ordinario Workshop III Edizione – collectiva - Vulcano Agency, Marghera
2021 G21: What the F%ck is Prosperity - collectiva - School for Curatorial Studies, Venezia
2021 Extra Ordinario Workshop - collectiva - Vulcano Agency, Marghera
2020 Whatever it Takes – collectiva – Galleria A plus A, Venezia
2020 Extra Ordinario Appello - collectiva - Vulcano Agency, Marghera
Megan Elizabeth Freeman attualmente vive e lavora a Venezia. Dopo essersi laureata alla SOAS University of London in Antropologia Sociale e Cinese, si è laureata dal corso di pittura di primo livello presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia con il Professore Carlo Di Raco, presentando una tesi con Arthur Duff.