Descrizione Opera / Biografia
For „bride of the wind“ I took a piece of a pole that had been used for water engineering at the seaside. Tropical wood it is, recycled. There are but few species of trees which resist sea water (teredo resistant), funghi and insects.
This one I guess is goupie (goupia glabra) fom South America, very hard, dense and heavy. But the advantage: the sculpture can be outside of the house. It is sculpted in a way, that lets water run off easily. After a time the wood will became grey from the weather and sunlight, but won´t get damaged otherwise.
„The bride of the wind“ is a mythological figure, representing the whirlwind sweeping everything away. There are drawings from the middle age showing her with an eagle together. My sculpture shows her on the back of an eagle who is just rising into the air.
CV + biography:
Ranulf Streuff
curriculum vitae
1950 geb. in Bitburg / Germany
1956-60 Grundschule Iversheim / Eifel
1960-68 Gymnasium Euskirchen, Abitur
1968-71 Studium Physik, Universität Bonn
1971-76 Studium Kunsthochschule Mainz
1977 Ausstellung Malerei in Rupperath / Eifel
Ausstellung Zeichnungen in Mainz
Ausstellung Malerei in Bitburg (Rathaus)
1978 Ausstellung in Mainz (Kunsthochschule)
1976-78 Referendariat für das Lehramt, Kunst und Werken
1978-2015 Lehramt für Kunst am Gymnasium, Domschule Schleswig
1980-1996 Skulpturen in der Galerie Friedrich Könning, Schleswig
1987 Ausstellung „Männer“ (Skulptur), Dom zu Schleswig
1992 „Abstraktion“, Workshop mit Gerhard Wendland
1999 Ausstellung Galerie „Speicher am Stegengraben“, Rendsburg
2000 Ausstellung (Skulptur) VHS, Schleswig
2000-01 Ausstellung, Galerie Krupan, München
2002 Ausstellung im Atelier Peter Bernhard, Seeshaupt
2003 Ausstellungsbeteiligung Galerie Brenzel, Murnau
2007 Ausstellung zum Jubiläum der Domschule, Landesmuseum Volkskunde, Schleswig
2010 Einzelausstellung (Malerei und Skulptur), Akademie Sanckelmark, Oeversee
seit 2015 tätig als freischaffender Künstler
2016 Contemporary Artfair Ruhr, Essen (vertreten durch Galeria Gaudi, Madrid)
2016-2017 Skulpturen in der Galeria Gaudi, Madrid
In 1950, Ranulf Streuff was born in Bitburg, Eifel. He grew up in a little village on the northern fringe of the Eifel mountains. At an early age, his keen interest in nature, sciences and music emerged.
He finished high school with the general qualification for university entrance (Abitur) and started studying physics in 1968, in Bonn. After the intermediate diploma and a prolonged disease, he moved to Mainz and changed his subject of study in favor of arts, with the objective to become a teacher. His study focus laid on wooden sculpture and design with Helmut Stark, where he learnt to work on metal and wood.
From 1978 to 2015, he taught arts at the Domschule in Schleswig.
Since his studies, he constantly worked as a painter and sculptor. But over time, sculpting turned out to be his favored way of artistic expression.
In the 1980s, the gallery owner Friedrich Könning strengthened this resolve and gave him a long-term opportunity to exhibit his sculpture work in his premises. Ranulf Streuff was also influenced by the painter Gerhard Wendland, who encouraged him to go deeper into abstraction. Nevertheless, the “literal aspect” stayed the most important element in Streuff’s work.
In the following, he took part in joint exhibitions in Schleswig (“Männer/Men”, sculptures, Schleswig cathedral), VHS/adult education center, Schleswig, in Mainz, Trier, Seeshaupt (Atelier Peter Bernhard) and Munich (Gallery Krupan).
In 2010, Streuff had his first solo exhibition at Akademie Sanckelmark, near Flensburg.
Inspired by Barlach, Maillol, Brancusi, Arp, Rodin, Lehmburg, he wants to transmit the beauty, affection, originality and power, that he feels as well in jazz and in the blues. Being an active musician as well as an artist, he sees himself walking on a path to discover new horizons, constantly evolving, and open towards new challenges.