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OPERA IN CONCORSO  Sezione Pittura

Nel ten Wolde | Innovation
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oil on canvas, canvas
151x137 cm

Nel ten Wolde

nato/a a Krommenie

residenza di lavoro/studio: Melbourne (AUSTRALIA)

iscritto/a dal 10 feb 2015


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Nature has always been a really important source of inspiration for me.
I travel a lot through Australia and Europe most of it walking.
In my work I play with the different shapes and colors of the landscape and now combine them with architecture.
I use the different forms and shapes to create abstract compositions on the canvas with colored pieces of nets hanging from scaffolding. The architecture in my paintings is inspired by magnificent buildings in Europe. This is an old building in Taragona being renovated. I like to work with opposites, the fluent lines of nature, or in this case netting, and the strong lines of architecture; the colors though working together.